What Does 隆敍 平面圖 Mean?

What Does 隆敍 平面圖 Mean?

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Delegators stake their Luna to a validator, incorporating to a validator’s bodyweight, or full stake. In return, delegators get a percentage of transaction fees as staking rewards.


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LUNA could be the Terra protocol’s native token. LUNA is used for governance and in mining. customers briefly lock LUNA with validators who file and validate transactions to the blockchain in exchange for rewards.

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Deposits guard from unneeded proposals and spam. buyers can veto any proposal they deem for being spam by voting NoWithVeto.

Although validators can bond Luna to themselves, they mainly amass bigger stakes from delegators. Validators with larger stakes get picked out extra normally to suggest new blocks and receive proportionally far more rewards.

Delegators can bond Luna to any validator inside the Lively set using the delegate function in Station. Delegators begin earning staking benefits The instant they bond or stake to a validator.

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